Pitch perfect
sharpen your skills
give effective presentations
connect with your audience
boost your confidence
sharpen your skills
give effective presentations
connect with your audience
boost your confidence
Do you enjoy making presentations - in English?
I didn't think so.
Fortunately, we provide presentation skills training to help you
create compelling scripts, develop your speaking style
and connect with your audience.
そこで、Pitch Perfectでは、説得力のあるスクリプトを作成し、聞き手を惹きつける話し方を極める、プレゼンテーション・スキル・トレーニングを提供しています。
Moving to Tokyo in 2005, Tim Quillian is a Business-English language trainer, working with thousands of employees at domestic and international companies, including Nomura Securities, Goldman Sachs, Dentsu, McKinsey, NEC, IBM, Sony, Shiseido, Apple, Obayashi, etc.
He has worked in sales, advertising and is a business owner in Japan (Kitewa Wood Workshop), with years spent honing his ability to help others increase confidence, improve communication and connect with others.
営業や広告のビジネス経験も豊富で、日本でもビジネスオーナーとしての顔を持っています (kitewa.jp)
While he teaches a variety of topics - meeting facilitation, negotiation, etc.- his specialty is presentations. Because the various skills used - logical structure, speaking and non-verbal communication - can all be applied to other areas of your work.